A Weekend Intensive on Salt Spring Island

with Seraphina Capranos and Brigid Devoe 

MARCH 25 & 26th, 2023

  Saturday 11AM-6PM | Sunday 10AM-5PM

Salt Spring Island, British Columbia Canada

This gathering takes place on the unceded territories of Hul'qumi'num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples, including the Quw'utsun, TSAWOUT, and Penelakut Nations. 

20090926-r001-004The Elements of Magic is a class taught in the Reclaiming Tradition, an ecofeminist, non hierarchical tradition of Witchcraft, founded by a collective of change-makers, including Starhawk, in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1980's.  In this weekend course we explore the practice of Magic, Witchcraft, and Goddess spirituality by working with the Elements of Magic: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.  On the magical land of Salt Spring Island, we have the opportunity to engage the Elements on a kinesthetic level, and will explore the island for a series of participatory rituals to meet our own magic and divine connection to Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and the fifth sacred element, Spirit.  As both an instructional foundational course in the Reclaiming Tradition, and a full bodied weekend in Nature, we will meet our animal wild, our divine provocateur, the witch, and come together as a group to learn the cultivation of sacred space, honouring divinity, working with magical tools, altar building, embodiment, drumming, singing, building energy, spell casting, ritual design, and very importantly, exploring what it means to be our own spiritual authority, in community.

  • About the word Witch: We understand this word is loaded and has a history of negative connotation. However, within the Reclaiming Tradition we reclaim this word as its original  meaning of healer, wise-one, one who is connected to the land and serves to steward the land, and seeks to understand and honour the powers of nature and the connection between all things.

Creating a sacred container on the land for this weekend, we view this course as an opportunity to unplug, and go deep with the land in ritual space.

This is a non-residential intensive. There are plenty of campsites and rental accommodations on Salt Spring that you can easily find on the internet. We recommend you reserve your accommodations and review the ferry schedule to ensure you can attend the weekend. Salt Spring is about 4-hours from Vancouver, BC. Because ferry waits are long, we recommend arriving the day before. 

This class will take place outdoors in nature.  This class is open to everyone over the age of 18.
More details are sent upon registration in regards to exact location.

To maintain the integrity of the strong circle we will create together, participants are asked to attend the whole weekend.

This class is the foundation and pre-requisite for all other magical classes offered such as the Iron Pentacle, the Pearl Pentacle, Rites of Passage, Priestess School. 

Your Co-Facilitators


Brigid Devoe 

Student Teacher   

For the greater part of her life, Brigid has turned to the depths of Nature, inner and outer, as her master teacher for healing trauma and fear.

Since 2016 she has been creating experiences for women to explore body + spirit through multi-week journeys, ritual, workshops, and nature immersions.

For the last five years she has been exploring, studying, experimenting and practising in the vast realm of sexological work. She is a certified Sexological Bodyworker and for the last two and a half years has been a Student of Somatic Sex Education and is currently working toward completing her schooling to be a certified educator in the field.

She has her practice at the Saltspring Healing Centre on McPhillips Ave, SSI BC.

She works with individuals, couples and holds multi-week group learning sessions for women.

Brigid is incredibly grateful for her teachers:

Seraphina Capranos as her mentor and priestess teacher over this last decade, walking her through the underworld and back - more than once.

And Caffyn Jesse, for lovingly guiding her onto an inspiring and integral path of sexological work and sacred intimacy back in 2018.



Seraphina Capranos


Seraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess with a practice spanning across two decades. Her journey onto the path of healing was inspired by her mother, who was a healer herself. Like many cast onto the path of healing and spiritual training, it was pain and suffering that led her into the forest to seek the answers to life’s big questions. First, it was an injury that left her bed-ridden with debilitating pain as a teenager, and just a few years later, the intractable disease then sudden tragic death of her father that set her on a spiritual quest at such a young age. At the age of 14, Seraphina began learning alchemical practices from shamanic practitioners she met by accident. From the age of 16 until age 18 she apprenticed with a medical intuitive, and then embarked on the priestess path in 1998, at the age 19. She spent ten years in an Toltec apprenticeship, which radically shifted her perceptional world. She has held countless circles, classes, rituals and ceremonies, her greatest teachers still to this day are the students and patients whom she is grateful to work with. She is continually in awe of the strength of the human spirit.  As well as being a deeply engaging teacher and speaker, she has a clinical practice on Salt Spring Island. Her unique blend of gifts straddle the vast worlds of plant medicine, homeopathy, and ritual and ceremonial magic. She is a sought after international teacher and the founder of The Center for Sacred Arts.


How to Apply

Tuition is according to a sliding scale, from $250-$400. Cash, cheque, e-transfer are preferred methods of payment. Paypal is accepted with a small service fee.

To register please email info@seraphinacapranos.com with the following information

a) how you heard about this class
b) what calls you to join
c) your experience (or lack thereof) with magic and earth-based practices.
d) Any health concerns or personal information you feel is relevant for us to know.

No previous experience is necessary.

Once you receive an email of acceptance, payment in full holds your space.

THIS INTENSIVE ALWAYS FILLS. Space is limited. It’s recommended to register early.

My value is to turn no one away for lack of funds and to fairly compensate women who work in a world where we’re still paid less than men.
If you are experiencing economic hardship please email us as we aim to set aside scholarship spaces.
In recognition that financial circumstance is often connected to systems of privilege and oppression, priority is for folks who are Indigenous, People of Colour, single parents, or those who are living with disability or illness.
If you need to take one of these spots please let us know by email so we know where to allocate these spaces.

Stay Tuned For Classes and Workshops