
I recently came across a fantastic cookbook titled Feeding The Whole Family by Cynthia Lair. The book is created with babies, children, and their parents in mind. You can check it out at Amazon here.



What sets this book apart from so many is the author includes great tips on how to adjust a recipe so that everyone will enjoy it; baby, toddler, teen and adult.  She  includes some minor and sensible adjustments to make it suitable for babies ~ limiting the garlic that can cause colic or really sore tummies; and how to add more complex flavours for the picky older child. It’s full of really great commonsense, and in fact I had a hard time putting it down after reading the first few informative chapters. As Peggy O’Mara, editor of Mothering Magazine put it, the author has an unusual clarity for sharing fantastic tips and nutritional information — while maintaining the art of crafting healthy, well-balanced meals that taste great. Along with all-around fantastic information that keeps you turning the pages the recipes are truly amazing. Check it out, I highly recommend this book!

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