June 3 & 4 2023

Saturday 10:30am - 5:30pm
Sunday 10:30am - 4:30pm

Sex. Self. Passion. Pride. Power.

This is the magic of the Iron Pentacle.

This weekend intensive is an exploration of our power and personal agency, energy leaks and our light and shadow through the points of the Iron Pentacle. The pentacle is a symbol of sacred geometry representing the flow of life and confluence of the five elements. For centuries it has been a mystical tool holding teachings that were unsafe to express freely through history. Using this sacred symbol as a key to unlock powers in our being we will explore the mystical codes within the life-giving, generative energies of Sex, Self, Passion, Pride & Power. Imagine what your life would look like if these energies were elevated in consciousness, clarity and potency as tools for healing, purpose, and creativity?  This core class offers a powerful body of work supporting the growth of our power through acknowledging our human birthrights, peeling away the layers of our shadows’ outmoded defenses and cultural hexes. We will dive into the unknown, subconscious part of ourselves so we may emerge with a grounded sense of who we are in the world with a greater knowledge of how to wield our power to create the world we want in service to wholeness.


Prerequisite: Elements of Magic (sorry no exceptions).

We welcome all genders, all gender histories, all races, all ages and sexual orientations and all those differences of life situation, background, and ability that increase our diversity.

All living beings are worthy of respect. All are supported by the sacred elements of air, fire, water, earth & Spirit. We work to create and sustain communities and cultures that embody these values, that can help to heal the wounds of the earth and Her peoples, and that can sustain us and nurture future generations.

We respectfully acknowledge and honour that we gather on the unceded territory of xʷənen̕əč presently known as Salt Spring Island, Coast Salish Territory, British Columbia.

How to Apply

Please email with: 1) your intent for attending this class including what calls you to this work 2) what year you took Elements of Magic, and who were your teachers. Upon acceptance, please send an e-transfer to
Tuition: $250-$400
Payment holds your space.
My value is to turn no one away for lack of funds and to fairly compensate women who work in a world where we’re still paid less than men.
If you are experiencing economic hardship please email us as we aim to set aside scholarship spaces.
In recognition that financial circumstance is often connected to systems of privilege and oppression, spaces will be prioritized for folks who are Indigenous, of Colour, single parents, or those who are living with disability or illness.
If you wish to take one of these spots please let us know in your application email so we know where to allocate these spaces.