On Broken Dreams

It’s spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, the lush green and unfurling blossoms symbols of hope renewed and the radiant expression of life itself. And yet, the paradox of this season is all I feel is heartache. So much death has hit my communities. Shock, and bad news reverberate through our being. There’s a new crisis in…

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Herbs to Protect our Lungs

The land is burning, and so are our lungs. Here’s a list of my favourite respiratory protectors. Drink them up, and be sure to share them with the vulnerable people in your life such as small children, elders, and those who are immune compromised. If you want to learn more about herbal medicine check out…

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Healing Grief

Healing Grief: Natrum Muriaticum When I was 21 years old, my father unexpectedly died 10 days after my birthday. He was 47 years old. Death is strange. It’s as natural as birth, we all know it’s going to happen, yet when we see someone grieving the loss of a beloved we treat them like an…

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Medicine of Rose: Honey, Vinegar & Heavenly Elixir

Rose Medicine, Herbal Medicine Online, Plant medicine

With their sweet fragrance and complex flavour, roses teach us about love and boundaries. You may admire the beauty of the bloom, but then, approach carefully and thoughtfully—or else. There are over 2,800 plants in the rose family Rosaceae. Some of the most  recognizable members are peaches, plums, almonds, apricots, cherries, strawberries, quince, hawthorn, rowan,…

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