Holly, A Tree of Magic

Here, in the depths of December after a fresh snowfall, the Holly Tree calls from outside my bedroom window.

I’m preparing my alter for Solstice tomorrow, I'll be hosting a ritual for 50 people. But first, tonight, a solo cermony for myself to ready my soul for the turning of the Wheel.

Candle light fills my home this season, a symbol of the returning light this time of year brings. I don’t want to rush into the season of growing light. I love this time of year and the quiet of the gardens. It draws me in. I write more. I dream. I slow down. Ironically, with the holiday season everything feels so fast despite the invitation from nature to slow into the rejuvenation of the dark.

The bright red berries of the evergreen Holly marks Solstice. This bountiful fruit provides essential food and shelter for the birds that dance in my back acrage.

Against the grey sky and verdant green landscape the berries are juicy. In this seemingly barren season, a walk in the forest reveals the bounty of nature and just how vital and alive the earth is at this time of year. Small animals and birds feast in the hedgerows and forests ripe still with red hawthorne’s, rosehips, Arbutus berries and Holly berries on boughs, offering themselves as nutrient dense foods for animals and joy for any weary-hearted human that passes by.

Red, the colour symbolic of fire, heat, passion, blood, and vitality is found prominently in nature at this time of year. Red foods typically contain constituents that are blood building, promote circulation and are full of cell protective antioxidants.

There are literally hundreds of different species of Holly (Ilex spp.) around the world. Most of the plant parts can be toxic. Depending on the species, the toxicity can range from somewhat toxic to very toxic so please do your research (and talk to a qualified plant person) before you consider using this herb internally.

The leaves of this plant vary from spineless or full of spines like the classic Ilex aquifolium.

Holly can be brought into the home, laid on your alter or other sacred place, or taken orally as a Flower Essence to help transform the places in our lives we’re “prickly”. It encourages us to soften our reaction to the world if we’ve built hardened and immovable boundaries. Holly flower essence transforms hatred, anger, or aggressive behaviour that is out of proportion to the life situation. I’ve used this flower essence successfully on animals (as well as humans) who are resenting the addition of a new member of the family. Individuals needing this remedy are often oversensitive, fearful and feel the world is out to get them. Holly can help  transform hostility, jealousy, envy, aggression or bitterness.

Most species of Ilex are high in caffeine, a mind-altering alkaloid that many of us enjoy every morning with a cup of coffee.

Many species of this plant are used for shamanic journeying. Ilex guayusa is used in some blends of Ayahuasca; its leaves have extremely high caffeine content.  While travelling in central and south America I learned plants high in caffeine were those used for the specific intent for visioning and mental clarity. I’ll never forget drinking Ilex guayusa while in the Rainforest, given to us at 3:00am to garner insight about dreams.

Probably the most famous Ilex plant is Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) now enjoyed all over the Western world in most coffee shops, but traditionally used in ceremony by the cultures who belonged to the plants native land.  The common thread connecting the use of this species is they help illuminate the places where we are stuck or unresolved. They facilitate the return of our inner light.

Deck the halls with boughs of Holly’

The Druids held the Holly tree as especially sacred, advising people to bring the plant into their homes as it was considered a good omen. As an evergreen, it symbolized the tenacity of life, and the bringer of light even when surrounded by death. Traditionally the Holly tree was considered protective against harmful energies, respiratory diseases, angry faeries, and thunder and lightning. Lightning because the tiny spikes on the leaves supposedly act like miniature lightening conductors giving the tree immunity.

Gifts of Holly were given during the ancient Winter Solstice Rituals.  These rituals celebrated the return of the Sun God, in some parts of Europe he was represented as the legendary Oak King. The Oak King would battle the Holly King (sometimes called the Lord of Darkness because he ruled the darker half of the year) who ruled between Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice; while the Oak King ruled between Winter to Summer — each of the Kings ruling each half of the year. These rituals held such power to the “commoners” of Europe that when the Emperor Constantine forced the people to convert to the new religion we call Christianity, he recognised how essential these rituals were to the people so he created new names and meanings to every ancient pagan holiday so to permit the people to continue celebrating their ancient rituals — blanketed with a new Christian meaning. As several theologians point out, there isn’t sufficient evidence that Jesus was born on December 25th, the tradition of celebrating the “Return of the Son” really comes from the ancient pagan “Return of the S.U.N”.

My Solstice Ritual this Year:

I’ll draw a bath, and add leaves of Holly to my bath water to draw out any residual resentments, anger, or unresolved hurts that may be lingering. The ache of personal misunderstandings that still sting, and global despair that I personally cannot change (oh. I wish I could). Then, I’ll rinse my body with a strong infusion of rose petal tea and oatstraw, as a soothing wash of love. I’ll dry off, wrap myself in a wool blanket, and sit at my alter by candle light. In the quiet and dark, I’ll listen. Listen to the deafening silence for messages, visions, of how I can be of service to my communities, the world.  These still and quiet points are where, and how, I replenish. I give thanks to the darkness. The place where I fill up. Where inspiration blooms. From where new life emerges.

Happy Solstice, Merry Yule,

xo  Seraphina


  1. Larry Talley on November 2, 2020 at 5:24 pm

    Thanks for a beautifully written appreciation for this special and magnificent plant. And thanks for the reminder in
    this time of upheaval and uncertainty that there are simple effective methods to detox our souls.

    • Ali Roffey on September 6, 2023 at 10:53 am

      Thank you so much for this insightful read, I have a holly bush and was going to give it away, but I will keep it now.

  2. Cathie on December 23, 2015 at 4:57 am

    You are a blessing dear heart. I have been processing since August (intense vertigo slowing me down 🙂 ) with the intention of releasing the old that I no longer need. (anger (esp at being rejected), unresolved hurts)
    This will assist me incredibly
    Thank you Thank you
    Is there a tincture available – I live in colder climates where no holly is available

  3. Michela on December 21, 2015 at 3:02 pm

    Super interesting Seraphina. I enjoy your writing very much. I had no idea the holly plant had such a history and so many uses. Thank you.

  4. penny thomas on December 21, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    yes a great read thanks so much Seraphina…and many blessings coming your way!

  5. Leslie Andrews on December 21, 2015 at 10:48 am

    Thank you, beautiful. Happy Solstice!

  6. Gina on December 20, 2015 at 8:08 pm

    You are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing. I’m inspired. <3

  7. Debra on December 28, 2011 at 2:10 am

    Great reading about the history of The Holly and fascinating that Holly has theese uses. Wonderful!

    • Seraphina Capranos on December 23, 2015 at 12:24 pm

      Thanks Debra! Happy Solstice, keep warm, and sending you peace and love.

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